Are Entrepreneurs More Vulnerable to Anxiety?

The body's ability to anticipate danger and respond accordingly is a remarkable system, but difficulties arise when our calibration goes off, and we feel overwhelmed by anxiety even though we are not in real danger.

And this is a common experience among entrepreneurs who operate at a high level of activation. The boundless energy, action, and creative thinking required to build a business can easily transition into anxiety. Interestingly, when our bodies are on high alert—increased heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension—it could be interpreted as either excitement or anxiety. Our bodies can't really distinguish between these.

Today, I want to share valuable insights on how to mitigate or navigate an anxiety crisis, offering self-soothing strategies that can be applied anytime, anywhere when overwhelming feelings strike.

If you want to delve deeper into this topic, I invite you to explore this content on the ZenFounder podcast:

Additionally, you can enhance your self-soothing journey with Othership: Guided Breathwork app

While these in-the-moment techniques are much needed, reworking the foundations that make us vulnerable to anxiety through therapy or coaching is a fundamental longer-term strategy. If you are interested in working with me for a more profound understanding of the root causes of your anxiety, reach out. I would love to be of service in your healing journey.


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