Episode 398: 3 Ways Demanding Hobbies Can Revolutionize Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

In this episode, Dr. Sherry Walling dives into how physically demanding hobbies can revolutionize the way you approach your business and life. Whether it’s aerial arts, rock climbing, kite surfing, or long-distance running, these activities offer more than just physical benefits—they reshape your mindset.

Here’s what you’ll learn:
How embodied learning fosters better intuitive decision-making.
Why rapid feedback cycles in hobbies teach resilience and adaptability.
How to use physical challenges to master stress regulation.

From building confidence to navigating setbacks, physically demanding hobbies can profoundly influence your entrepreneurial journey, giving you tools to stay sharp, resilient, and energized.

Looking to add some physical play to your life?

Join us on May 23rd and 24th, 2025, for the Touching Two Worlds Circus Show—an awe-inspiring performance you won't forget.

And don’t miss the Circus Day Adventure on May 25th!
Experience the thrill of flying trapeze, acrobatics, and even circus horse riding. Learn more and sign up at touchingtwoworlds.com


Episode 399: 5 Ways Entrepreneurial Households Support Resilient Kids


Episode 397: The Possibility Gap: What’s Stopping You From Living the Life You Want?