Zen Founder Podcast
We want to help entrepreneurs practice better mental health. The ZenFounder podcast is a combination of interviews with successful entrepreneurs, conversations with experts, and honest reflections on entrepreneur life. Forbes called it one of the 12 best podcasts for entrepreneurs.
Listen to Episodes Below 👇
Episode 53: Founders on Goals: Dave Rodenbaugh
In this episode of the "Founders on Goals" series, Rob interviews Dave Rodenbaugh, of Business Directory Plugins and RogueStartups Podcast, about the mechanics behind his goal setting and follow through.
Episode 52: Founders on Goals: Justin McGill
Rob and Sherry continue their "Founders on Goals" series. In this episode Sherry interviews Justin McGill of LeadFuze, about his goal setting habits, tactics to keep him on track, and advice he would give new entrepreneurs.
Episode 51: Founders on Goals: Tracy Osborn
Rob and Sherry launch their new "Founders on Goals" series in which they interview fellow founders on how they set and follow through with goals. In this episode Rob interviews Tracy Osborn of WeddingLovely on her goal setting habits.
Episode 50: Founder Voices: Looking Back on 2015
Sherry and Rob reflect on 2015, and they invite some of their founder friends to record brief reflections on what shaped them in 2015.
Episode 49: How to Vacation Like a Founder
Jeff Epstein of Ambassador joins the conversation about the importance of taking vacation.
Episode 48: How A Founder's Motivations Change Over Time
In preparation of Rob's upcoming retreat, he and Sherry explore the concepts of freedom, purpose, and relationships. They also talk about some alternative definitions of entrepreneurship.
Episode 47: The Value of Simplicity
Rob and Sherry talk about the value of simplicity. How the simplicity of your belongings, workspace, and homes can make things less stressful and provide a better environment. They also discuss simplifying your time and making decisions on where to put your focus.
Episode 46: Buying, Selling, and Moving On
Rob and Sherry discuss Rob's decision to sell his application HitTail and what his fears, thought process, and takeaways were. They also reveal some of the conversations that took place when making the decision with their family life in mind.
Episode 45: Onboarding Your Spouse
Sherry and Rob talk about how to pitch your startup ideas to your spouse in order to be successful and keep your relationship healthy. They discuss some communication strategies, common mistakes, and share stories of people who have done this successfully.
Episode 44: Gratitude
Sherry and Rob talk about the topic of gratitude. They both list things they are grateful for and also explore the science behind having gratitude and how it can positively influence your mind and body.
Episode 43: Overwhelmed
Rob and Sherry share a list of situations and stressors that have contributed to their feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed. They talk about how it has affected their daily lives and ways they use to help cope.
Episode 42: I Guarantee It: An Interview with George Zimmer
Sherry interviews George Zimmer, founder of Men's Warehouse, about his forced departure from his former company, his family life, and his new business endeavors.
Episode 41: How a Patent Troll Can Ruin Your Day
Rob shares his story about a recent lawsuit filed against his company. He discusses his mental approach to dealing with it along with actions he took to help him solve the problem.
Episode 40: The Conclusion of the Co-Founder series (Part 2)
In part 7 of their Co-Founder series, Rob and Sherry share some of their thoughts on the interviews as well as talk about some additional information like getting to know your co-founder and the importance of communication.
Episode 39: An Interview with Neil Patel and Conclusion (Part 1)
Rob and Sherry continue their Co-Founder relationship series and interview Neil Patel. They also give their concluding ideas on the series as well as addressing some listener questions.
Episode 38: Co-Founders: What Not To Do
Sherry interviews Anders Peterson, founder of TimeBlock, about his failed co-founder relationship and the lessons learned.
Episode 37: How Finding a Co-Founder is Like Dating
Sherry interviews Jordan Gal, of CartHook, about his choice to pursue finding a co-founder to help improve his business.
Episode 36: A Co-Founder Marriage
Rob and Sherry continue their Co-Founder relationship series. Sherry interviews Melani and Jeff (aka "Flash") Gordon who are married and co-founders of TapHunter.
Episode 35: When Co-Founders Fall Apart
Rob and Sherry continue their episodes on CoFounder relationships. In this episode Sherry interview Anthony Eden of DNSimple about his challenges with starting a business with his brother.
Episode 34: The Secret Strategies of Successful Co-Founders
Rob and Sherry start a series on Co-Founder relationships. In this episode Sherry interviews Ian Schoen of the Tropical MBA Podcast about his business partnership with Dan Andrews.