Why High Performers Need Play and (Strange) Hobbies

As an entrepreneur, the feeling of isolation can become all too familiar. Immersed in a unique journey that few friends or family can fully comprehend, leading a team that looks to you for guidance and the long hours committed to work only exacerbate the solitude. But I've discovered a transformative outlet that rebalances this aspect of my life: the pursuit of a playful hobby.

Around the time I turned 40, I ventured into the circus—specifically, into a flying trapeze team. It was unexpected, even for me. I wasn't a dancer or a gymnast, nor did I have any connection to the aerial arts. Yet, this unusual hobby has grown to be a cornerstone of how I spend my time, shaping my weekly routine in ways I hadn't anticipated.

This article isn't about persuading you to join the circus (though you are invited to do so if you want to!). It's about highlighting the importance of play, movement, and engaging in something out of the ordinary for your neurological and mental health, particularly for those striving to maintain high performance in their professional lives.

The Necessity of Play

In childhood, play was an integral part of our daily routine. As adults, we mistakenly think we've outgrown the need for play, but psychologically, play remains essential. It offers a break from the constant cognitive engagement that allows us to recalibrate and rejuvenate.

But how exactly can play contribute to enhancing your mental wellbeing?

  1. It Helps Regulate the Nervous System: Our existence is fundamentally tied to our nervous system, a complex network seeking balance. Play and hobbies serve as vital tools in this regulation, allowing us to integrate physical movement with mental relaxation, a combination increasingly rare in our digitally dominated lives.

  2. It Promotes Neurological Diversification: The concept of burnout can be likened to a repetitive stress injury of the brain, a result of engaging in the same cognitive tasks every day. Diversifying our activities through hobbies encourages the use of different brain circuits, contributing to our neurological health. Multifaceted activities like dancing, requiring physical coordination, memory, balance, fine motor skills, and interpersonal communication, promote neurological diversification and foster a well-used, adaptable, and flexible brain.

  3. It Strengthens Your Identity Beyond Output: Who were you before the world told you what to be productive in? In a society that often values productivity above all else, hobbies allow us to connect with parts of ourselves that are not defined by output. 

  4. It Fosters The Power of Community: One of the most valuable aspects of engaging in hobbies is the community it builds. My experience with the flying trapeze team has introduced me to a diverse group of individuals, all united by our shared passion. The experience of connecting with people outside of our professional lives is incredibly enriching and most valuable for founders and entrepreneurs.

For more insights on this topic, I invite you to watch the full video.

An Invitation

Embracing my love for the circus, I've co-written and produced "Touching Two Worlds: Integration," a unique show set to perform in Minneapolis on May 4th, 2024. This event, born from my collaboration with the incredible Professional Circus Artist and Coach, Lynn Lunny, merges my dual passions for circus arts and mental health.

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month, the show embodies the interconnectedness of body, mind and soul through artistic movement.

I invite you to join us and experience firsthand the transformative power of play. Click here for all the details!

For a deeper exploration of this subject, check out the full video on my YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe for more insights on mental health tailored specifically for entrepreneurs.


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