How Can Touch Impact Your Mental Health? 3 Ways to Bring Physical Contact Back Into Your Life 

We all have an innate need for touch. Research demonstrates that simple acts of touch, such as holding hands, can calm a dysregulated person, and are linked directly to immune functioning and emotional expression. But for entrepreneurs, this basic, yet profound human necessity finds itself at odds with the badge of independence and self-reliance they often feel they need to hold.

Entrepreneurs, hailed for their independence and decisiveness, find themselves in a culture where needing others, especially for something as personal as touch, seems out of place. This deep-rooted ethos of going it alone, unfortunately, overshadows our fundamental need for physical connection. The struggle is twofold: recognizing the importance of touch in the first place and then, daring to embrace the vulnerability of reaching out for it. 

The myth that true strength and leadership mean you don't need anybody else leads many entrepreneurs down a path of emotional and physical disarray, caught in a cycle of missing out on the nurturing power of touch.

Don't let the entrepreneur culture of being a self-sufficient trailblazer silence your need for touch. Innovation thrives on connection.

But how can we integrate touch into our (busy) lives?

1. Redefining Daily Interactions

Our daily routines are ripe with opportunities for meaningful touch, yet we often pass them by.

Creating a routine that includes intentional touch might start with scheduling "cuddle o'clock" with your partner or making sure hugs become a part of your family's daily hello and goodbye ritual. Make touch part of your family's routine and normalize a big heart-to-heart bear hug when you see your entrepreneur friends.

2. Expanding the Circle

What about those of us who find ourselves living alone, without a direct outlet for human touch? Our need for contact doesn't diminish, but it does require us to be more creative in how we fulfill it. 

Pets, for example, offer more than just company; cuddling with a dog or cat can satiate our need for touch, providing comfort, reducing stress, and offering a sense of connection and grounding. 

Additionally, seeking out professional touch through regular massages can introduce a structured way to receive the nurturing benefits of touch while fitting into your schedule. 

3. The Role of Self-Touch

While it is not physically the exact same, the act of self-touch is also a powerful tool in our arsenal for well-being. The simple act of applying lotion to our skin, with attentiveness and care, can be a form of self-soothing, mimicking the nurturing touch we might receive from others. This practice encourages us to slow down, to connect with our physical selves, and to provide the comfort we crave. 

For entrepreneurs, who are accustomed to a constant state of doing and leading, allowing moments for connection and self-care can help recalibrate our emotional and physical state, ensuring we're not just functioning, but thriving. As we strive to break new ground and push the limits of what's possible, let's remember to make time for the practices that help us ground ourselves. 

If you want to explore this subject further, I invite you to watch the full video:

At ZenFounder, we have the resources to help entrepreneur couples tackle the unique challenges they face around intimacy and connection. We understand the high-pressure environment of entrepreneurship and how it can inadvertently push touch and connection to the back burner. Whether it's finding ways to reintegrate touch into your daily routine, overcoming barriers to intimacy, or simply learning to communicate your needs more effectively, we are here to guide you through. Reach out at and let’s talk!


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