5 Signs You Are a People-Pleasing Leader

Is People-pleasing Always Pathological? Or is trying to keep everyone happy a hallmark of good leadership?

Let's start the discussion on people-pleasing by addressing a common misconception: it's not inherently pathological. Having a deep orientation or intuition that helps you read the room and the emotional vibe of your employees, clients, and those around you is actually an important superpower. But, what happens when we're more oriented towards others' needs than our own inner compass? When do we start losing sight of the company's well-being in our efforts to please others? And more importantly, how do we ensure we stay centered in our wisdom and maintain boundaries in how we interact with both our team and our customers or clients?

5 Signs of a People-Pleasing Leader

  1. Other-First Information Gathering: Jumping straight to gather opinions from others before consulting your own judgment indicates a misplaced priority. While feedback is valuable, starting with your own insights is crucial.

  2. External Feelings Barometer: If your primary concern is the emotional atmosphere around you, potentially at the expense of your emotional stability, it's time to reassess. Leaders should aim to be the emotional steadiness that influences the room, not the other way around.

  3. Avoidance of Disruptive Decisions: Shying away from necessary, though difficult, decisions for fear of causing short-term pain or disruption suggests a high people-pleasing tendency. It could be letting go of an employee or turning down a client; the bottom line is that the well-being of the company should not be compromised for individual comfort.

  4. Happiness of Others as Your North Star: When your decision-making process is overly concerned with how others will react or feel, you might be losing sight of your leadership role. It's essential to trust your expertise and judgment first and foremost.

  5. Struggle with Self-Care: Overextending yourself to ensure the happiness and comfort of others at the cost of your well-being is a significant red flag. Your business's health is intrinsically linked to your personal well-being. When you set boundaries appropriately, you are setting the tone that helps everybody on your team have a healthier relationship with work, too.

It is possible to be an emotionally intelligent leader, run a people-first company, and take great care of your customers without being a people-pleaser. You need to learn how to use your emotional intelligence and tap into empathy strategically, in service to the well-being of the whole and always in the protection of yourself. 

For more insights on this topic, I invite you to watch the full video below.

If the pursuit of keeping everyone happy leaves you feeling lost about your own priorities, disconnected, overwhelmed, or battling anxiety, ZenFounder is here for you. We understand the nuances of leadership and we create resources designed to support your well-being while helping you excel in both your business and personal life. Don't let the stress of people-pleasing undermine your success. Reach out for support!


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